Constance Halaveli, Maldives
Experience true luxury at Constance Halaveli and enjoy the hotel's private island setting in the Maldives' North Ari Atoll. Floating in North Ari Atoll and shaped like a curved Dhoni; (Maldivian boat) Constance Halaveli is magical place where water and sand lie in contrast to the exuberant green foliage.
Indulge in fine food and sumptuous flavours at Jahaz, Jing and Meeru restaurants .
Our refined Round V1 Cordless Lamp was first introduced to the hotel for 'Meeru' restaurant, an open-air fine dining restaurant. This was subsequently followed by the introduction of the Jupiter V3 Cordless lamp for the 'Jing Bar'.
Be prepared for a memorable escape at Constance Halaveli Maldives!